YYC Carpools

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Sunday June 8, 2014: YYC to Banff Centre

Car 1

Driver: Erik Winfree. Flight AC 1877 is arriving into YYC at 6:16pm.


  1. Erik Winfree
  2. Lulu Qian
  3. OPEN
  4. OPEN

Vehicle 2

Andrew Phillips is arriving into YYC at 8pm on BA103. A private shuttle has been booked, due to the late arrival time. Others are welcome to join, though do let me know in advance to confirm.

Thursday June 12, 2014: Banff Centre to YYC

Car 1

Driver: Erik Winfree. Flight AC 1876 is departing from YYC at 7:15pm.


  1. Erik Winfree
  2. Lulu Qian
  3. OPEN
  4. OPEN